Sunday, March 27, 2011

Some Social And Economic Determinants Of Leadership In India

In less developed countries of Asia, the issue of leadership has been studied in the context of social change and modernization of traditional societies. After the Second World War, when many of the less developed countries of Asia emerged from colonial rule, state leaders realize that political freedom without freedom from economic, social and cultural backwardness is pointless.

In all these countries are the main obstacles to economic development and growth of the human mass poverty, illiteracy and disease. breakthrough to modernity was designed by state leaders as a strategic path to economic and social freedom, after achieving political independence.

In this sense, social change and modernization, the leaders deem it necessary for a smooth transition from traditional to modern society, a transition from traditional to modern society, and the role of local and national leaders of the nation was conceived as an expansion of the new value of institutions and structures which would embody this new set of values​​.

approach has been to be selective, not exhaustive, relations with the trends, not specific situations. It would be useful to bear in mind that, although India is not a paradigm of Asia, the issues that are crucial in human development in India and now the lead strategic role in responding to new social and economic needs of the people are more or less similar in all less developed countries of Asia . As India and the countries of Asia have had the experience of colonial domination and have only recently achieved political independence. As India and other Asian countries are agrarian societies whose social satisfaction is strongly segmented and characterized by pervasive social and economic inequality.

striking feature of the underdeveloped countries of Asia is that they are hierarchical societies in which patterns of social stratification is characterized by social and economic inequalities that are no longer sanctioned officially accepted system of values​​. In India, the relations between social classes was organized by a hierarchical caste system of values ​​which provided the ideological legitimating the traditional principles of social stratification.

However, after independence, the traditional societies in South Asia are publicly committed to the creation of equal, or what in India is called "the socialist model of society", in which there will be a greater equalization of opportunities and a fairer distribution of income, power and privilege.

In India, as in other less developed Asian countries, only leadership can be considered effective as a socially responsive on dehumanizing situation maintain social, economic and political structures of society, and seeks to create conditions for sljudi integral human growth.

Planned development in India tend to be a function of administrative bureaucracy, and little attention to the need to ensure the participation of people as well as patterns in their own development. Although the official rhetoric stressed people participate in social and economic growth, local leadership was, as we saw earlier, is dominated by bureaucratic officials who told them what to do and how to do it. The main task manager, then, is to manage the educational process "conscientization" through which people become aware of structural factors responsible for the dehumanizing conditions of their lives.

Finally, like India, these countries are at different stages of industrialization.

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