Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Caste in India

Caste in India - Quantum View

As Sri Bhimrao Ambedkar says, "more subtle minds and Abler pens than mine was brought to the task of unraveling the secrets of caste, but unfortunately it still remains in the domain of" unexplained "not to say the 'ununderstood'1a. Never is this observation more apt than now, when there is no aspect of social and political life in India is without its influence. And this effect seems to be increasing. To unravel some of the mysteries of this institution holds in itself, let us take a journey through the creation and development.
"Caste", as defined, for example, Lundenberg2 "is just a rigid social class in which members are born and from which they can escape or be withdrawn from the extreme difficulty". In other words, it's kind of stratification systems, which is the strictest in the issues of mobility and differentiation status. Much needs to explain the genesis of this system, although a good deal has been written about his nature, especially the various options affect the control of its members, its origins do not seem to get enough attention. Some of the theories have been proposed, racial theory that the caste system is the gift of Aryans, political theory-that the caste system is the invention of the Brahmins, the work on the theory that the caste system is the functional differentiation of professional differences, the traditional theory that the caste-system is of divine origin, to maintain social harmony, guild-theory that the caste system is a product of interaction between the guilds, tribes and religions, religious theory that the caste system is the institutionalization of the prevailing customs, each caste are followers of a particular deity and the evolution-theory that the caste system is the result of social evolution moderated by different factors such as prejudice, lack of control mechanisms, the geographical isolation of the Indian peninsula, as well as the conqueror of politics, particularly the British, to name a few.


1.1 Racial Theory: The fact that the names of the brahmana caste, Kshtriya and Visya is often mentioned in the Rigveda with words such as' Dasa ',' Varna ', gives confidence to the theory that caste is an invention IndoAryans. The' cultural history of India Al Basham mentioned that the caste system has been developed to accommodate a large number of different tribes in the Aryan society, while the spread of Vedic Aryan territory.
However, this distinction does not take into account the importance typically attributed to 'moral values' of a man than his 'birth', that is, we can see in many places in puranic Literature, 'Mahabharata' et al. Also, the caste differences and separation of people on this basis are not considered seriously as we do these days. The Al Baroonis India, he describes a man, according to Indian thought, as "consisting of 25 elements, the soul (sattva, tamas, rajas), matter, nature will" etc, to learn all this and they "will achieve salvation, whatever religion one may follow ". Similar is the opinion of Sir Vincent Smith, who was in 'Asoka-its history says: "Though each caste has its Dharma, the behavior is less rigid than the invasion of Muslims". For all these, the conclusion can be reached is that caste, as we see now, needs a little more explanation than that, "has evolved during the mixing of the Indo Aryan local tribes.
1.2 Political Theory: The Mahabharata (shantiparva) creation of a caste is given as follows: "Brahma created the world in its entirety Brahmanic1b. Later, the Brahmins they became fond of sensual pleasure kshtriyas. Those who are Brahmins subsisted agriculture neglects its duties entered into the state and those Vaisya which are often evil and lies sunk in a state of Sudras. . The 'Hindu caste system ... '3 Dr. Sharma explains the creation of a caste like this: To meet the liturgical needs of society will elect from among themselves, based on the skills of speaking, the Brahmins. Similarly, for administrative purposes, those with leadership qualities will be selected ... .. Furthermore, Visha (clan or tribe), also known as embodied people Shudra (meaning not from the tribe, the newcomer) are all new comers to this particular race .... So all liability associated with Visha can be classified into four categories, each with "their duties and skills".
Although caste in this way can be seen as a useful tool for maintaining social order, has a severe form now needs much more explanation than that offered by this theory.
1.3 Vocational theories: According to 'Theodosian' code, in the early Roman Empire, the son was obliged to follow his fathers profession, thus maintaining the availability of skills, and addressing continuing enterprise. This is such an arrangement was widely followed can be seen in many popular names today, Smith, Miller, Potter, to name a few.
How do these professional guilds and other family groups metamorphosed into castes in India, while the merged fully into the larger social canvas in the rest of the world, the question is, should think smaller and more effort might respond.
1.4 The traditional theory, the theory of guild and religious theories: These theories suggest divine intervention in human affairs. Such intervention governing society brings harmony in all relevant functions for social welfare, and humanity is left to the free pursuit of bliss. The working group, which originated as a result of such harmony, the passage of time, themselves become the next caste endogamy. This phenomenon of caste formation, some groups find themselves becoming endogamous and others find themselves forced to become that company (closing all avenues of social interaction).
Such a theory might be able to explain the formation of caste as a singularity in social evolution, but fails to provide justification for the vast caste in Indian society.
1.5 Evolutionary Theory: This theory, in fact, not new or different theory. It is a state, in fact, over the years, forming a caste is influenced by all factors which we saw earlier, in some form or other.


1.1 creation and development of caste thus narrows to the peculiarities of the Indian social evolution that could turn into a caste (as they are now), influenced by factors such as the ones listed in these theories. Strata Property castes, such an oddity, in fact, is not the monopoly of India, which was mentioned can be found in many places. History of Herodotus, Mande or Osu caste system in Africa, dividing people into four classes in medieval Europe, of feudal barons, clergy, city merchants and the masses of people, as well as the division between the old Israel of the population have a ritual consequences are few places where you can find a system distinction between people on different levels.
Such a process of division, in fact, was the subject of research by sociologists, in particular, Herbert Spencer, who in his sociological theories have put forth the following generalization:
• increasing number of people and internal transactions, the greater will be the size and degree of internal differentiation power.
• higher levels of actual or potential conflict with other societies and within societies, the greater will be the degree of centralization of power in government.
• greater centralization of power, the more visible division of classes will be several divisions and create an actual or potential conflict.
As the colonies of all living species, and thus a powerful lead concentrations can not happen in all cultures that led to the class structure.
1.2 Thus we see, although the tendency to form a social class is present in every society, in our case, the stratification becomes more stable, crystallizing caste. The main factor influencing this transformation, of social class in caste, is another peculiarity of the Indian social evolution, inbreeding. Ambedker says "Remember that inbreeding is the people in India ... It is no exaggeration to say that the people in India, exogamy is the faith and no one dares to violate it ... there are even more stringent penalties for violation of the exogamy but exist for violations of inbreeding. Kaste, as far as India is concerned, means the superposition of endogamy exogamy. He further elaborates on how, hours, or make widowhood (where the widow may not remarry), the imposition of celibacy on widow marriage as a girl came to be part of the Indian "customs uxorial maintain numerical parity between the two sexes, which leads to inbreeding workable perpetuation of the caste system.

With 1.3 1b Charles Hill says, "Instead lets be misled by the external show of Hinduism we must concentrate our attention on what Hindu scriptures tell us ... The Bhagawat Gita, to be truly wise man must have learned:

• To control the body in his appetites and desires, so as not to injure themselves or interfere with the free action of the soul
• to act for the benefit of the community, without hope of reward ... so long as those duties laid claim to running a caste
• How to reconcile with absolute patience for the pain and suffering and loss and feel the thrill of success
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
In other words, to be fit for the position of the rulers must have overcome all human weaknesses and renounce all material rewards ... ... ... ... ... It is not necessary for entry to the requirements of other castes, the above is enough to show that what distinguishes them is simply a character. "He continues, noting that more than one observer has commented on cleanliness, regularity, fairness and rigor of the ancient Indian government" Ideal Hindu kingdom is not a utopian dream, still exists in the hearts of Hindus, it is based on a social system that has provided joy and satisfaction and loyalty of all classes of people, and that the later stages of corruption and confusion due to foreign intrusions in Central Asia or from Europe, as long as the unrest now prevailing in India is caused by the incessant struggles of the ideal Hindu caste against alien influences. "The current system of caste then, he says," ... .. as a fact, though we are talking about upper and lower castes, caste is not initially considered superior or inferior ... .. Although the body Sudre prevalent in Vaisya reason, the heart and Kshtriya Brahmin souls, all castes are equally manifestations of Brahma, although of different quality. The relationship between higher and lower castes is then more like that between adults and children than that between noble and serf. "he continued, " He gives every member of the community with a position that, although strictly fixed, is fixed only to its natural limits, and so allows him to use every opportunity for their fullest extent, regardless of ability, it May be for the common good. "
The views expressed by OP Gupta5a also does not distinguish between "Supporters of casteism often quote two Slokas viz. (IV.13) and (XVIII.41) of Srimad Bhagwat Gita to support four castes by birth. Let us examine. In sloka (IV.13 ) Lord Krishna says: "Chaturvarnyma mayaa sristam gunkarma vibhagsah", ie, four rows in the society created by me according to their gunas (qualities / behaviors) and Karma (profession / work / effort). Krishna does not say guna, and karma from previous life. In sloka (XVIII.41) Lord Krishna says: "Brahman Kshatriya vishe sudranam cha paramtapa, Karman pravibhaktani svabhavaprabhavaigunaih." This means that people who are grouped into four classes according to their present life karma (profession / work) and svabhava (behavior ). "division of labor into four categories - Brahman, ksatriya, Vaishya and Sudr - also based on Gunas inherent in peoples 'nature'. To these divisions based on birth, Lord Krishna, of course, have used the phrase 'Janmani pravibhaktani' in a very Shlok (XVIII.41). In sloka (XVIII.42), Lord Krishna prescribes duties (karma) that must be done in order to qualify as a Brahman, and among other duties (karma), he must have studied Vedas and must teach Vedas to others. So, if a person or has studied the Vedas, or Veda teaches others, he is not Brahman. "
During the trip Hieun Tsang, he said that mentioned5b "... the company consists of four caste groups. These four classes form of teaching for ceremonial purity."

Such a system, where social life is completely independent from political power, of course, when it broke up the Indian society has come into contact with various societies invasion, the most potent western invasion with those that start with the landing at Calicut Portuguese adventurers with VascoDaGama, which uses differences in social position among the Indians as a convenience in management, the political legitimacy of the existing differences. These differences, which are of academic interest in life so far, could be of great use to attack the group in managing the country.

1.4 endogamy as the custom may have got started in such a social system to protect the privileges thereby legitimizing themselves as close as possible. Ronald Inden4 in his "imagined India's claims that caste is almost making orientalis Western efforts to win their subjects. Moreover, genomic studies related to the origin of the castes were able to identify differences in the distribution of genetic material between different caste groups. Although many of these point to similar conclusions, that the lineage caste groups (not tribal population) show that the relationship with Central Asia, a lineage of tribal groups are mostly from the original Indian gene pool and that the genes of the upper caste people have a greater affinity to Europeans but Asians7 compared with genes from a lower caste population, etc., Partha Majumdar et al (ISI Calcutta) 8 reports after a comprehensive analysis of data from ethnically diverse populations in India, which, tribal and caste populations are highly differentiated and genetic history are significantly obliterated as it is impossible to see any clear correspondence of genetic propensity.

1.5 Whatever the case may be, the meaning of caste changed much from what Charles Hill observed1c "No caste was originally considered to be superior or inferior, except in the sense that her body type is more or less advanced stage in human dwellings must be, In turn, occupied the soul "a divided people, groups with different responsibilities, functions and rights, and different societies.

1.6 endogamy as well as measures taken by the group launched an invasion in which the country may be able to state the reasons for the development of caste, however, fails to provide a reasonable explanation for the fact that we have a myriad of castes, each with a discernable difference in the ability of the Compared with other castes.


1.7 yr caste took the form of evolution, it certainly resulted in a large variety of castes, each with a discernable difference in ability when compared with each other, especially intellectual. As we saw earlier, all theories of caste formation and development to succeed in providing a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon.

1.8 This could be caused by a singularity in the Indian social evolution, mainly because of changes brought about by external stimuli, two of these are:
-foreign occupation. Conquest by Muslims, Europeans and British, and lately
-Russian Revolution and the impact of communism on the Indian mind
As a result, caste has become entrenched in Indian society, offering a lot of layering real convenience in administration, each caste as a form of professional guild with more or less assured income opportunities, provides social stability. Caste is the idea that the esoteric nature, such stratification could cause consternation at least in everyday life.

1.9 To many parts of India, such as parts of Himachal Pradesh, Assam, including the Northeast and some parts of central India look like they are the property of the village community, where all forms of work were equally valued, probably indicating the absence of any form of caste as discrimination9a . It may also be noted that, like the caste divisions are found in the history of most nations in the Americas, Africa, Europe or elsewhere in Asia, some companies have a complex division and other relatively simple. Samurais and priests of early feudal Japan and in Europe are just examples of studies that would indicate the existence of social stratification, including genetic progression, in the lines of caste system in India. Over and above that, a few among them also boast of social inequality is reflected in the institution of slavery cruel practices, if not worse.

Even 1.10 untouchability, which find no place in Indian history, is mentioned in history10 of Herodotus, "is considered among pigs as unclean animals ... .. forbidden entry to any of the temples .... and no one will give your a daughter married to a swineherd, or take a wife among them, so swineherds were forced to intermarry among themselves. "

4 EVOLUTIONOF caste in changing the social order

1.11 In short, the Indian society, which welcomed the first winner was with some abstract concepts of stratification, which covers all aspects of life and society. So we have different categories or types of men, women, guests, girls, other creatures such as horses, dogs, cows, activities such as sleeping, eating, other abstractions such as friends, enemies and other subdivisions to continue to lead to endless esoteric classifications, each possessing unique functional characteristics, the caste is one such item classification.
Such abstract nature of caste will be much clearer if we note that the Hindu texts contain puranaic many cases where the moral value of persons seen as giving the more importance than other attributes, for example, caste or family. For example, the "truthfulness, generosity, restraint, tapas, always adhering Dharma's always bring people to the enjoyment (of their goal), not caste or family", or "Truthfulness, generosity, freedom from hatred, humility, kindness and tapas - he is known as Brahman, where they saw "and" if you saw the Sudre and they do not exist in Brahmaa, Sudre would Sudre and Brahmins will be the Brahmins "12

1.12 Before the British: Early in the invasion of India, nearly all have resulted in Islamic rule in India which has created "a lot stronger and a lot of unique elite, which is difficult for the ordinary masses to resist social change, particularly in the field of philosophical choice, religious pluralism and other personal settings "9b. The concept of sexual prudery and gender separation of infected Hindu households. "The overall impact of this cultural, military and political relationship seems to have not made any other revolutionary impact on Hindu society and to change drastically just social relations" 9b. Long before the advent of Islam, new religious movements or reforms in India opposed the caste system. In the sixth century BC, budhismo began. On casteism as a whole, as the effect budhismo could produce is not known. In fact the nature of caste in the early days is not clearly known. For example, John W McGrindle mentions20, "According Megastanes, race India is divided into seven castes.
1 Philosopher-only they have the right to marry outside the caste.
2-Those tenants to cultivate the land
3 shepherds and hunters They lead a life of wandering
Tradesmen 4-They work in sectors such as arms production
5 soldiers
6 supervisors-they conduct general oversight and report to the king
7 Appraisers and councilors-they conduct the judiciary, questions, etc.
Also, the 'labels Nepal'21, caste mentioned that the result of "mixing varnas" and Vincent Smith22 writes: "Though each caste has its Dharma, the behavior is less rigid than the invasion of Muslims".

1.13 Effects of British superiority: In the beginning of the Brits are not engaged in any attempt to interfere with the caste system prevailing in India. In its observations on India, Karl Marx writes 14a "village isolation produced by the absence of roads in India and lack of village roads perpetuated isolation. On this plan the community existed since the low-scale benefits, with almost no sex with other villages, and no desire and effort necessary for social advance "17 British, bringing steam and railways in India started regular and rapid communication. Further introduction of often breaking the "self-sufficient inertia" of Indian villages are some of the consequences of British rule, although in order confiscation of wealth from India in every possible way, while "simultaneously forbidding dissemination of ideas that may not be suitable for such purposes. Modern industry resulting from railway system will dissolve the hereditary divisions of labor, upon which the Indian caste "14 But it did not take place, changes in social atmosphere brought in modern industry happened to be expropriated to match the ordering system of caste.
In "Indian caste system and British Ethnographic mapping'15, Kevin Hobson says:" the caste system was a fascination with the British since their arrival in India. Coming from a society that is divided by class, the British attempted to equate the caste system of the class system. More 1937 Professor TC Hodson said: "class and caste stand to each other in relation to the family to species. general classification is by classes, a detailed one by caste. the former is external, the latter the internal view of social organization." difficulties with the definitions of such that this class is based on political and economic factors, not caste. In fairness BA Hodson, at the time of his writing, castes have taken on many characteristics attributed to, and that his predecessors had for it, but during the 19th century, caste is not what the British believed it to be. This is not a rigid description of the occupation and social level of the given group and bears no real resemblance to the class system. However, this will be addressed later in this essay. At present, the main concern is that the British saw caste as a way to deal with a big population so that it is breaking down into discrete parts with specific characteristics. Moreover, it seems that the existing caste system in the late 19th and early 20 century has changed as a result of British action to be getting more and more features that they had from the British.
In "Indian caste system and British Ethnographic mapping'15, Kevin Hobson says:" the caste system was a fascination with the British since their arrival in India. Coming from a society that is divided by class, the British attempted to equate the caste system of the class system. More 1937 Professor TC Hodson said: "class and caste stand to each other in relation to the family to species. general classification is by classes, a detailed one by caste. the former is external, the latter the internal view of social organization." difficulties with the definitions of such that this class is based on political and economic factors, not caste. In fairness BA Hodson, at the time of his writing, castes have taken on many characteristics attributed to, and that his predecessors had for it, but during the 19th century, caste is not what the British believed it to be. This is not a rigid description of the occupation and social level of the given group and bears no real resemblance to the class system. However, this will be addressed later in this essay. At present, the main concern is that the British saw caste as a way to deal with a big population so that it is breaking down into discrete parts with specific characteristics. Moreover, it seems that the existing caste system in the late 19th and early 20 century has changed as a result of British action to be getting more and more features that they had from the British.

5 caste-nationalist movement CONTINUE

1.15 History of India abounds with stories of social moderation efforts or other markers in our multi-faceted society. In early times, and Jainism, if budhismo celebrating these efforts, we have a recent origin of Sikhism, the forerunner of all social reformers. RAMMOHAN Raja Roy, who could be called a Hindu father of the Reformation, gave the leadership of Hindu revival in modern times. Dayanand Saraswati and Arya Samaj, Annie Besant and Theosophocal Society, Ramkrishna, Swami Vivekananda are some of those great ones who have tried to cut across sectarian lines of Indian religious organizations, whose life and time is certainly a source of inspiration for these efforts during the freedom movement. However, those who do not belong to upper castes, after becoming a member of this organization is understood to be primarily concerned with reviving Hinduism, but the reform as an example in the case of Swami Achyuthanand16, an important leader of the scheduled castes in UP 1920-30, who was a member of the Arya Samaj . The Untouchables, and other low castes resorted to the 'low caste movements of different nature, all of which can be broadly classified into two groups, those advocating resistance of the hierarchy, while adopting the basic concepts of the caste system, or those suggesting adjustments in the practice of caste system to include egalitarian regulations, an exception may can be found in Mahatmaji attitudes about social struggle.

1.16 Mahatmaji attitudes about caste and many aspects of such social 'disease', has undergone a gradual change from the 1920s until the late 1940s.
- In 1920, he believes in the inevitability of the caste system and that many of the fruits mainly to Indian society for centuries been harvested because of this. As an example, I believe that caste has saved Hinduism from disintegration18a "or" In accepting the fourfold division, I am accepting nature.18b laws. "can be quoted.
By the mid-20's, he will begin to diminish the inevitability of a natural division, "In my conception of law Varna, no one is superior to any other ... scavenger has the same status as Brahmin18c.
As-30-achieved, he began to observe that "the unequal economic and social situation may have existed over the centuries, and we must enrich the inheritance left us18d" and 1935 ", caste has to go. public opinion before it overturned, better18e.
-In 1940, he began expressing the importance of marriage between 'atishudras' and caste Hindus. From the "highest importance to marriages between castes and atishudras Hindus18f" and declaring that they will bless the couple "if a girl from another community only18g", he reached up to
-1945, the understanding of inter-caste and inter-religious marriage (if necessary, civil marriages), as a welcome reform. And in 1947, he welcomed the "inter-religious marriages whenever it took place18h"
Were it not for his assassination, we would have witnessed Indian society, more like Gandhi expressed on numerous occasions, "the entire Hindu society into my view18i.

1.17 Put caste, during the birth of free India and its democracy can be summarized as follows: "Nevertheless, whether in relation to the history of gender, victimization of dalits, or rise against the brahmin and backward caste politics, caste has been working on a compromise easy application of national unity and civilized history. Caste has become the focus of the progressive movement and the debate about the nature of post colonial politics. It has become an unpleasant reminder that all claims of the community's claims of privilege, participation and exclusion of caste ... at the same time preserved the patriarchy -modern society and worked to sanction the continuation of oppression and exclusion of women in nationalist re-imaginings of the past. Caste can be the modern sediments, but is still a range of past19.

Caste 6 - my-page history of singularities

Throughout the study, the origin of the caste system, the error seems to be dragged into all the theories mentioned earlier, there was no theory, takes a philosophical plane of existence caste (which refers to caste as a "Varna", an abstraction), into account. Although some authors23 tend to believe that caste 'tempered' form of social class (with implications such as "upper castes may have formed from the existing upper layers of society '), this is only conjecture. social classes are not based on work restrictions where as caste safe. class can be thought of as "presenting an outside perspective of social organization, caste, 'the inner, abstract view'. Also, with further delineations, caste must have originated from Varna as a mechanism to allow the choice of marriage partners. 'caste' system on similar lines following among Australian aboriginals31, as described Felix Keesing, where caste groups play an important role in choosing a partner in a manner suitable to prevent the progression of many problems in which heredity plays a part. (For such a quality that caste can be seen, it is essential that caste is not fixed at birth, as is done in India)
A review of our 'puranic texts reveals that our ancestors spent a lot of effort in the ' classification 'as a primary step in learning and understanding. So we have all objects, animate or inanimate, all actions and other abstractions fall into alternative groups or subgroups, each with distinctive characteristics. Many methods have been mentioned about stratification, for example, men and women in the 'Varna' is based on the intellectual orientation, women in different types based on specific social nature ("Kamasutra of Vatsyayana is a detailed discussion of this), of the girls, liars, thieves and other activities of war and love, to list a few. "Arthsastra 'from' Chanakya 'thesis contains a lot of such topics.24
Nowhere in the later writings, or in social mores in this romantic delineations can be seen to be practiced widely. Myriad of topics of our 'puranic' texts contain, caste, I became initiated later in social life, and this can be attributed to the "singularity" in social development in India.

6.1 first singularity is our philosophy and the way we understand our philosophy. For example, it is treated as an asset brings misery of man, which led, therefore, of life, where, less land, life becomes more desirable. We are, I think, do not realize that the story of man's progress made ​​so far is the story of our efforts in adding new properties, retaining little or destruction of some. It's lead, as Marx noted earlier14, to the formation of caste as a result of 'complete lack of social relations' complex' lack of desire and effort necessary for social advance. "

6.2 The following is a singularity of attack by various invaders, nearly all of them contributing to changes in the appearance of social caste system, because of her inability to price the Indian caste system, as well as their ability in shaping the caste system to suit the needs of management disappears. The British, although the longest lasting empire in India, did nothing to alter existing caste equations and social restructuring. This stands in contrast to their efforts to benefit Aborigines and their integration in the second part of the British Empire, Australia, although "several tribes of southern India, which are of a race 'Homo
Dravid '(as he called it), had more in common with the Australian Aborigines from their Aryan or high-caste neighbors. "30
. For example, "When Dr. Cecil Cook was appointed Chief Protector in 1927, was completely unsupportive of the mission. This is partly due to poor conditions. More importantly, Cook had a similar vision as well as the assimilation of West Australian Chief Protector AO Neville. Cook supports the biological assimilation. Generally, the fifth and sixth generations always do, all native characteristics of the Australian Aborigine are eradicated. The problem of our half-castes will quickly be eliminated by the complete disappearance of the black race and the swift submergence of their progeny in white29. "better expresses the British view that way, which perhaps explains why caste is still a problem in India, we dutifully preserve Britain's heritage: "As Lord Dufferin him: 'The diversity of races in India and the presence of strong Mohamedan communities are undoubtedly favorable for the maintenance of our rule ... "31
Another 6.3 Singularity is Mahatma Gandhi. His views are contained, "I believe in 'varnashrama' of the Vedas, which is based on absolute equality of status, regardless of the passage opposite elsewhere, " ... "most effective, fastest and most unobtrusive way to destroy the caste of reformers at the beginning of practice with him ..." and "higher classes will have to come down from their pedestal ..." 18e. His advice for the lower castes that they should "seek to merge in the ocean of Hindu community " and "trust deserve the attention of the command" 18j. On another occasion, he was seen as a declaration that the provisions of (the workplace) is a dangerous principle. "Protecting the neglected classes should not be done to an extent that will harm them ..." and after a person has secured a spot in the elected body should "depend on its intrinsic value and popularity to secure the coveted position of" 18k. For castemen, on the other hand, his advice was that they "should prove to have been obliterated caste for their willingness to accept those jobs that 'untouchables' engaged in. So they should be willing to do the job ... .. vultures system to clean the toilet then it would automatically change. In England, the real Bhangis been known to engineers and sanitarians ... who had a perfectly clean way of dealing with human excrement ... Needless to say, the Harijans will live in the same street as the other without any segregation ... ".
Given that the prestige and influence of Gandhi at that time, before these changes can occur, leading to a social revolution as it was hope, which resulted in a generation, a greater degree of cohesion in society, much less upper-caste "upper "and lower caste no 'lower' than any other, but for social and political changes that are at the moment when we introduced the draft constitution with certain conditions, including provisions for dealing with the problem of caste. Perhaps the idea of ​​adopting a book without much debate25 the framers of the Constitution may have been hastened the "meaningless" from Gandhi's proposals, the acceptance of which would certainly result in them or their descendants (for sure) that they have lost their exclusivity (which led caste status).

6.4 Communism released another singularity. Our idea of ​​caste and thethe way we have found solutions to problems posed has changed much under the influence of communism and revolution in Russia and China .
(communism, in fact there are more than the face. What we usually see a group of young (and not be so young) men and women charged with ideals and a desire to see 'Passion' a lot of change for the better one. group (this can be a smaller one) of 'intellectuals' who produce proposals convincing enough to encourage, initiate and lead them in their search, making them move forward with a constant thrust, is another. the former is responsible for everything that we welcome the change, alacrity, unselfish devotion to the protagonist and the absence of any motive or consanguineous get, except for the benefit of all. In short, communism, those who follow the rules are the best of humanity and, therefore, the system produced good results, although the philosophy is flawed. Also, as there is only interest , under communism, every effort yields good results, and that might be the reason that no one noticed the contradiction to him, while communism collapsed.)
During communism Russia26, famine in 1921 and 1932-33 resulted in the death of more than 5 million people each (not counting the additional deaths of 7-8 million people who were involved in violence with the 'dekulakization'in the period 1930-1937)
In China, the Communists adopted a genetic theory of 'lysenkoism'27, a modified form of Lamarckism, one of the main beliefs of which is that, like the kind of help each other, while unlike the species, in the conduct of state politics breeding. Accordingly, Mao ordered, the collective organization of agriculture, the introduction of certain agricultural practices such as close to planting, deep plowing, no use of chemical fertilizers, etc., resulting in a massive decline in agricultural production has led to famine on a scale never before seen in China during the period 1958-61, which resulted in the death of a staggering 30-40000000 Chinese.
In India, "lysenkoism 'and the possibility of inheritance of acquired characteristics of the environment has been suggested that the theory might support' reservationists', as well as providing them with the necessary scientific basis for the" reservation "as a panacea for all social inequalities. It can also be the reason that none of eminent reformers could not see anything unfavorable to him.

6.4 Next singularity, the most powerful of all, the reservation or euphemism, of social justice. Wide acceptance of reservations as a panacea for all ills associated with social stratification, I think, because of the influence of communism, namely, the 'scientific' dogma set forth by the Lysenkoism. romantic thoughts, lower caste brothers enmasse raised by a small degree of social adjustment on the part of the upper caste people have influenced our Constitution makers.
desirable changes made ​​in the reservation system, and these are discussed at length, the general ideas emerge from all these is that,
- Booking system offers many advantages to the oppressed, marginalized parts
- lack of the reservation system is (mostly) are denied the opportunity for upper caste people, that is,
- The 'Book' will be lower castes, and
- Bugs 'Book' will feel the upper caste
Such an idea is absurd. Reservation systems can provide certain benefits to marginalized areas, however, some disadvantages also has its share. most of these shortcomings is that it reduces or takes away bidding opportunities. As competition has been removed from those of lower castes, they are also denied the fruits of competition, which, as is known, growth, intellectual et al. This is the most serious effect of reservation, and if we also take into account the fact that, at the same time, the upper castes, because of greater opportunities for competition (or the possibility of tougher competition) put at their disposal as a side effect of reservations, are still growing at a faster pace all the faculties, intellectual (for one), the gap between lower and higher caste people will be on the rise, as well as generations pass, making it difficult to live together, at least as equal beings.
Even this could have been introduced in the way port, or as an inducement to, grow. For example, 'Book', if it is limited to jobs needing higher education or success will be forced to lower castes to achieve higher standards in teaching. As mentioned earlier, the desire to provide an alternative to 'wild' suggestions Gandhi perhaps blinded by all the reformers to see such an opportunity.
In a study focusing on the role of education in social mobility in the context of class structure 'by Hiroshi Ishida et al27, class of origin (corresponding to respondents father's class) and class destination (current class participants) were seen to have been influenced by
- Unequal access to education for different classes of origin. 'two forms of educational advantage of the children of professional and managerial classes (read upper caste), better access to higher education levels and lower levels of avoidance'.
- The distribution of class positions (sites) under the influence of class origin. 'Here also, highly qualified people have the advantage of access to professional and managerial positions, but they May also be successful in avoiding manual positions. Likewise, poorly qualified are not only excluded from the professional and managerial positions, they are more likely to be recruited to hand position. "(Reservation of such jobs for low castes, adding fuel to the fire)
The impact of education on class reproduction and mobility is remarkably uniform across the nation with the exception of two socialist nations, namely, the Polish and Hungarian, this study, where more people can see them as you choose manual and unskilled class as the destination, regardless of class origin . In this, the main obstacle to equality of educational opportunity is probably coming from the resistance of service class origin (eg, the managerial class) at low qualifications, except that they have access to highly qualified. While in the case of lower grades, even when they get access to higher qualifications, as they are now, "said the easy availability of low qualifications and the possibility of finding means of livelihood effectively prevented them to reach more destinations. Also, the lack of low-class "cultural traits" necessary for entry into higher levels of education. So, as the cultural needs and desires, the fulfillment of the yearning of all who are trying to achieve better positions in life, are not fully developed in the case of lower castes, it is all the more important that this opportunity to "find a life with low qualifications' is eliminated, for education can not be used as a tool.
6.5 Further, it is likely the last singularity may happen sometime in the future, many (or may be few) generations of today. In his famous essay on "Biological Possibilities for the human species over the next ten thousand years" 28, JBS Haldane mentions the possibility of human kind, "is divided into two or more branches of development of different human capacities. For me, this is a terrible danger, such as kind should not understand each other ... and such misunderstandings can generate an argument, and even war. "This unique, although it will be befalling on all cultures, its effect on the already stratified (intellectual), Indian society will be important, we may be on the 'branches' ​​of the' kind I would not want to be.

Caste 7 - Summary
Caste is a relic of the dark ages. Did not turn into a modernized version of the course, as we were the real custodians of our society, which is under foreign rule for many years and they ruled finding great benefit in caste, stopping such a prospect. Other countries had their share of such customs that are still shocking, such as lynching or worse in the game, various entertainments of the Roman Empire, all of which, has evolved into something less obnoxious, as time passed. Even more recently, some countries are still following the many questionable practices and one of its kind in the eugenics may be cited as an example, where compulsory abortion or other control over reproduction is imposed32.
Only one drug has been tried so far to the destruction of caste and that the reservation. It is logical to understand that as a drug does not work, we need to change medications.

1 Indian antiquities
) in May 1917 'castes in India, Genesis, Mechanism and Development
BR Ambedkar This thesis describes the role of the caste system in the establishment of customs' hours', 'girl marriage, widowhood and perpetuation et al., in Hindu society.
b) March 1930 "Origin of the caste system in India'-S Charles Hill
c) in April 1930 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to ... ... ... ... continued
d) in October 1930 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Do ... .... ... .. continued

1 Introduction to Sociology
DR Sachdeva, and Vidya Bhushan

3 'Hindu caste system and Hindu-Vedic vocations were not associated with heredity'-Dr. Subhash C. Sharma
www.geocities.com / lamberdar / _caste.html (www.geocities.com / lamberdar / _caste.html )

4 quoted in 'Caste and race-sociologists' Gail Omvedt

5) Caste and Bhagawat Gita - Ambassador (in Finland), OP Gupta, IFS http://sify.com/news/othernews/fullstory.php?id=13167991
b) http://www.palikanon.com/

6 'Sources of castes and tribes in India'
R Cordaux et al Current Biology 2004 14:231

7 "molecular anthropology" Bamshad M et al

8 'Ethnic India-Genomic view with special reference to Peopling and Structure Partha P Majumdar, Anabala Basu et al.
ISI Kolkata etc.

9 'caste and gender equations in Indian history'
) http://india_resource.tripod.com/social.htm
b) http://india_resource.tripod.com/sahistory.htm

10 'History of Herodotus' book and Clio
Translated by George Rawlinson

11 'The battle for liberation, then and now "
Annie and Paul Divakar Us www.labourfile.org
trial monitoring efforts in the rehabilitation of scavengers over the years. He notes that, "Narada Smriti ', although it lists 15 kinds of slaves, including those dealing with the disposal of human excreta, there is no reference to untouchability.

12 History Dharmasastra

13 'race war, "Ronald Seghal JonathanCape 1966

14 'future results of British rule in India' Karl Marx, New York Daily Tribune, 8th August 1853 www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1853/07/22.htm

15 'Indian caste system and British Ethnographic mapping and construction of the British Census in India' Kevin Hobson
www.infinityfoundation.com / ECITcastebritishframeset.htm (www.infinityfoundation.com / ECITcastebritishframeset.htm)

16 mentions http://kellog.nd.edu/events/pdfs/Jaffrelot.pdf

17 This could explain how inbreeding came to be launched in Indian society. The absence of roads perpetuate the isolation of villages, the only way to ensure continuation of the species may have been adopted, endogamy. It's like isolation affect our society, in more ways than one, you can see, the interesting fact that even in the 19th Kerala century, those who cross the river Bharatapuzha 'are responsible for excommunication, or from the observation that one of the most important source of government revenue (in Kerala) is a tax on the lower caste people to sport a mustache.

18 'Mahatma Gandhi - the collected works of "Delhi (58-94)

) Vol XIX p 83
b) Vol XXIX p 410
c) Vol XXXV p 260
d) Vol LIX p 319
e) Vol LXII p 121
f) Vol LXXX p 77
g) Vol LXXX p 99
h) Vol LXIV p 35
i) Vol LXLI p 318
j) Vol LVIII p 163
k) p 314 Vol LXXVI
detailed study, follow-up 'change in the Gandhi idea of Varna and marriages over the years is "How Gandhi came to believe must be removed inter caste marriage
-prof Mark Lindley

19 Kaste as India

20 'Ancient India as described by Megastanese and Arriano'
John W McGrindle (Retired Chief Patna College)

21 'inscriptions of Nepal "DR Rajmi

22 'Asoka-Its History' Vincent Smith

23 'caste class and race' Oliver Cromwell Cox

24 had a tendency to classify as such is still, a lot of contribution could come from Indian culture, according to scientific development, have in mind a possibility. Like most scientific terms from Greek origin, we were having such conditions in many areas after the Indian origin.

25 Constituent Assembly debates
Pandit Thakur Dass Bhargava: opposes reservations during the debate, a discussion of art 294 of Indian constitution. "...... we can say that the wealth, social influence and social status they are inferior, but all the same I wish that their situation can be leveled in a way other than to book a seat ... it will be very harmful ... "
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad: "... problems (scheduled caste person) are primarily educational and economic character. These are the cultural character. We want to raise the cultural level of the down trodden and oppressed. I do not see how their representation in the legislative will in any way change material and moral level of these people. The statements here and there to provide opportunities for a handful of leaders, but it will not in any way materially alter their business or their level of education. Better lie in the Constitution that a fixed percentage of the budget, and the central and provincial, will be dedicated solely for their benefit ... I am quite clear in his mind to giving them a few places here and there, their economic situation and their level of education in any way be improved ".

26 http://www.overpopulation.com/faq/health/hunger/famine
Soviet famine of 1921 and 1932-3
Ukrainian agronomist, Trofim D. Lysenko, known for its' scientific Declaration on perniciousness genetics.
In the Soviet Union in 1930, Trofim D. Lysenko rose to considerable power by claiming that his version of genetics, but that of Mendel and Darwin, could help in the development of socialist ideology. If each successive generation of citizens must be educated in Marxist ideology, he claimed, they envisioned a utopia would take too long to be realized. Instead, Lysenko rejected Mendelian inheritance as a bourgeois and interpret Marx as saying that man and nature fix and perfectable. He claimed, for example, that winter wheat could be changed in the spring variety simply by changing the ambient temperature is raised, and that, by similar means, he could change in wheat rye in one generation. Darwinian struggle for survival, too, was rejected as a bourgeois tool used to justify competition based capitalist society. His false allegations dominated Soviet biology for 30 years. He eventually was expelled in 1965 because of rampant crop failures and shortcomings. Lysenkoism has come to represent the devastating consequences of marrying science to ideology. http://www.galafilm.com/afterdarwin/english/glossary/lysenkoism.html

27 Ishida Hiroshi, Walter Müller and John M. Ridge. 1995th "Class Origin, Class Destination, and Education: Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations. " American Journal of Sociology 101: 145-193.
28 "Biological Possibilities for the human species over the next ten thousand years" JBS Haldane
One of the features mentioned in this essay is the production of human cloning, which, of course, has already taken place.
29 Bringing them home - History

30 Race, caste and tribe in central India: the early origins of Indian anthropometry - Crispin Bates
http://www.csas.ed.ac.uk/fichiers/BATES_RaceCaste& Tribe.pdf (http://www.csas.ed.ac.uk/fichiers/BATES_RaceCaste&Tribe.pdf)

31 Cultural Anthropology, Felix M Keesing,
Aborigines have an intricate classification system that defines the similarity relations and regulates marriages, men and women classified as banks, Burung, and Karimera Palyeri. The rules of marriage, descent, and residence determine how these parts are: Karimera Palyeri men must marry women and their children are Burung, banks Burung men must marry women and their children are Karimera and so on. Sons live in the same hordes as their fathers did, so that the composition of hordes of changes each generation. complex system, requiring that every man marries a woman from one of three possible areas, encourages a broad network of social relations and creates a family of solidarity within the horde as a whole. Aborigines maintain elaborate systems of Totemism (the belief that there is a genealogical relationship between people and plants and animals). They see the relationship between totemic plants and animals as a symbolic map of relations between different people.

http://www.gutenberg.org/files/17404/17404.txt list 'caste' names
Burong (Parungo)
Ballieri (Parajerri, Butcharrie)
Banks (Boogarloo)
Kymerra (Kaiamba), for example, one tribe, each tribe has a different 'caste'

32 htttp: / / commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa49740.000/hfa49740_0.HTM civilization can be judged by how they treat women, children, old people and foreigners. Vulnerable people bring out the kindness in every society and cruelty. Every so often, they become the object of practice, and evil that will cause people recoil in horror over the centuries. One such practice is forced abortion, forced sterilization is still. The world has known for well over 15 years that the government routinely China forces women to abort their unborn children illegally, and that Chinese men and women are often forcibly sterilized.

http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract; jsessionid = D32EE0B42BA9215764FCF0CAC4F9A7E6.tomcat1 fromPage = online & aid = 255 383 Recent progress in molecular genetics has created concerns that the company may experience a new eugenics?. The paper argues that the dominant view of eugenics as a morally and scientifically illegitimate is not sustainable, when it comes to the use of coercion, political motivation, and scientific acceptability. Despite the general condemnation of eugenics, health authorities are now trying to prevent individuals with deviant behavior from the player or at least of raising children.

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