Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Translating ...

teenagers have very busy lifestyles. With all their school work home and hanging out many teenagers do not take time to eat healthy and get enough exercise.

Some teens turn to unhealthy methods to try to lose weight, such as skipping meals to cut out major food groups. Some are even more drastic measures such as taking diet pills or laxatives, and making yourself throw up. These unhealthy tactics may actually lead to more weight gain because after starving they are likely to go on binges and overeat. It can also lead to higher risk growth, learning and emotional problems.

Healthy includes a proper balance of food groups and nutrients that your body needs. A healthy diet should include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat milk. The amount of fast food you eat should be limited. If they do not eat fast food, they should stay away from super-size meals, eat chicken instead of fried foods and limit the amount of fried food.

Soft drinks are full of sugar and high in calories. Many contain high amounts of caffeine.

Teens should avoid drinking too many soft drinks and drink lots of water. Pure fruit juice and low fat milk are also good substitutes for soft drinks.

snacking between meals is not always a bad thing. You can prevent it from being too hungry and overeating at meals. Instead of eating cookies, candy and chips for snacks try eating fresh fruits and vegetables, string cheese, low fat yogurt, and crackers.

Another thing teens can do to make the weight is to limit their portion sizes. Using smaller plates, they are less likely to overeat. They should stay away from all-you-can-eat food bars, and instead try the salad bar.

Making a few small changes in dietary habits can have a major impact on the youth and overall health. When they combine healthy eating with regular exercise are well on their way to a fit and healthy lifestyle.

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