Monday, March 21, 2011

Economic Inequality - The Rich Getting Richer, The Poor Getting Poorer

Their BedsWere Made By Others:

The causes of poverty in the Third World

I've always been deeply moved by the impact of poverty on both their own and others' lives. One interpretation of what is poverty depends on the country. However, he grew up poor, I must admit that it is harder to be poor in rich countries than in developing countries. This opinion is confirmed by the fact that the poor in a rich country is discriminated against, it is difficult to apply because they are financially vulnerable in the city where the rich are richer than in other countries. They are raised on fairy tales and are bombarded daily through the media with success stories and the lives of the rich and famous. the poor in developed countries, most of whom are unable to absolute poverty, often find themselves in a situation where they pay more for everything and refused to certain privileges, because they do not fit a certain financial criteria. As a result they end up having just enough to scrape by yourself or a sense of hope, which rarely becomes a reality. Many people grow old only to find that their "golden years" have turned into aluminum foil.

Discrimination against the poor in rich countries, comes in many forms, but the most aggravating to me is illogical belief on the part of the 'rich' who refuse to believe that poverty exists, and that the person can actually be bad in a rich country. This being the case, it is said, "I have no money", he / she is jealous suspicion, and often faced with nonsensical statements like: "Well I can not get money from your 401k?" As for the rich, recognizing that they have no money as it is admitted that no air to breathe. Not everyone has the money?

In contrast, in third world countries (TWC), a reaction to poverty in most cases favor. In Kenya, remember to tell my baby sitter that I do not have any money, which elicited the following response: "Well it's not a sin." next Monday after arriving at work was wearing two large shopping bags of vegetables and said, "Oh, I know a man who will have milk and at the end of the month, you can pay it." When I asked her where she got the vegetable, she laughed and said: "From my shamba (farm )."

Since my return to the United States in 1993, I have heard so many uninformed comments about the poor people living in TWCs (I use the term Third World, because in most cases can not be considered development in spite of decades of independence that they have experienced) this not necessarily their fault. are faced with many obstacles


The scope of economic, structural and social degradation that has befallen countries like Kenya because of my residence there in 1960-there was absolutely stunning. I lived in the country during the period of great hope and businesses. Similar to Montezuma, which had a premonition about the fall of his empire, I was often burdened with feelings of fear about the future of Africa. Many in Kenya rejoiced at the passage of the White Paper in Parliament, the return of land in certain areas and transfer to African farmers, the Kenya government. In my book, a fictional account of that era, "Kiyani," I mention the enthusiasm of people to that achieved independence and their vision of a prosperous future.

You can imagine my amazement to watch a documentary titled "The End of Poverty?" as it took a suburb of Kibera, located on the outskirts of Nairobi. Later in the documentary, the momentum of Arusha, Tanzania is also provided. For my complete awe, I could not recognize any part of any place. As far as Kibera in Kenya, I was stunned to discover that its people who live in such crowded, squalid conditions that they improvised housing was in place spill on the railroad.

I remember that during my stay in Kenya I took a trip to Arusha, Tanzania by car. This is one of my most memorable memories. On our return to Kenya, our Ford Triumph crashed about 150 feet of a lion pride and we all sat in the car trying to muster up enough courage to get out. In the meantime, several VW Beetles we passed on the road. There is no doubt that the drivers of these cars mean that tourists are interested in shooting the lions. When we finally got out to see what the problem was, the lion remained where they were and we were able to run a car without the danger of pride. I tell you to convey the fact that the area was in its natural state and slum free.

Many people in the U.S., who do not know I lived in TWCs often ask me why it seems this country never reach the point of self-sufficiency. I could give a comprehensive answer to this question, but I'd write a book. Beyond doubt, the country had moved from the 'independence' in 'poverty' without stopping in between. But this is not a situation that reflects residents' lack of ability or their enthusiasm, but the situation that has its roots in the intrigues of the former colonial ruler.

The first step that led to afall of of almost every African country was the destruction of the great migration of people from rural areas to cities . This pea-brained concept was another experiment in economic strategy. I am very frustrated by this initiative during my stay in Kenya and I kept thinking: "Well, so what will they do when they get here?" There was no housing. urban population growth put tremendous pressure on infrastructure, Nairobi. Why would anyone listen to such a fantastic proposal was behind me.

and other equally ludicrous suggestion that the 'trickle down' theory. Every fool and his dog knows that wealth does not trickle down, only worse. Like the Nile, flowing just to the north. Common sense decrees that a person using intelligence provided to come to this realization. Colonization is a failure of proof of 'trickle down theory. "If the money has trickled down then there would be no poverty during colonization. This theory is as silly as that which is embodied in our history class, which states that Columbus went west to find a short cut to the east. Give us a break, I am always on the alert to scout out a void. At the age of nine I told my history teacher, if so, Columbus was or was not a very good navigator, or is he just plain stupid, she told me to shut up


third is equally damned. He suggested that the poor are given small loans to start a business of some kind. This effort has produced a myriad of loan sharks who have raised interest rates on these loans mini so that the borrower owes for a long time.

The purpose of small loans to individuals to prevent the country from being located with debt it can not pay. This proposal sounds great in theory, especially when you consider that migrants leaving the newly independent states, transferred their debts in the country. In addition, they are burdened with the task of indigenous production of raw materials, but left the production of finished products is done in Europe.

I am reminded of something Margaret Burke White said that Gandhi, when he suggested burning clothes imported from England and weaving cloth. She said that she failed to see how this approach solves the problem of India was having. In fact what he said, while India can produce finished products, lean efforts of people weaving their own cotton for clothing will have little impact on the economic pressures imposed on him by an inability to produce finished products and participate in international trade. At that time in India and many developing countries, it was producing raw cotton, and then sent him to Manchester, England.

is the fourth issue of colonial policy on education for Africans. In Kenya, I had the opportunity to speak with indigenous elders on the one-on-one basis. They had seen the British come and go. Their stay in Kenya lasted only 75 years. One would think that during that time they trained indigenous people of the issues that have proved useful. Instead they spent much time on useless items. Kenyan girl, whom I met in Australia, many years later, he admitted to me that a large part of their education under the British was useless, "Instead of teaching us things we really need to know, we spent much time studying useless things like What are the different types of flowers grown in Europe. "So how outrageous this is? Kenya has an abundance of flowers that were unknown in Europe. Perhaps the British, which was supposed to be studying African flowers, such as are used for all types of medical purposes.

I had the opportunity to speak with a British colonial, after independence, bitterly complained about the fact that since Africans began working at the bank, everything is slowed down. The British had a terrible habit of complaining to people of color who were not African, about Africans as if we were sympathetic. Fed up with such behavior, I turned to him and said:

There are 32,000 Britons in Kenya and seven million Kenyans. Did you seriously think that they will reign forever and ever? father, whose wife gave birth to a boy, teach him how to use the toilet, although it does not expect his son to wear his pants.

the economic strategy of the Western economists also played a significant role in contributing to the problems of indigenous populations had TWCs in their efforts to get a foothold on the development of their countries. While I agree with such renowned economists such as John Perkins, Clifford Cobb, William East, Joseph Stiglitz and others, I can not help thinking: "Where the hell are you people in the last 45 years? I have been struggling in my history classes Since the 1990s, in order to get students to grasp the concept and intrigue that lead to underdevelopment? "I guess I should be a little less critical, because given the time period indicated, the number of them might still be in high school. In any case, it's how long I've known about the matters discussed in "The End of Poverty ?"

I was actually happy to have had the opportunity to talk with the presidents of first number of African countries when they first gained independence. To this end, I was able to satisfy my curiosity of heart on many things, and was later able to confirm my point of view, while filling in some degree work, saying: "I know that and that's true because I said that the president and he told himself.

One stumbling block to a British professor I had was that for some reason they always felt the need to challenge each student's statement. They were often angry about my statement that Charles DeGaulle, who at the time of Guinea's independence, was the president of France. When President Sekou Toure voted for independence, as opposed to becoming a member of the French Union, decided to punish him. France took the insult in his choice, and all this led to Guinea as the infrastructure has been removed. So intent on removing all services provided during the period as the colonial masters, that they even took the lamp from the street lights.

According to President Toure, three large ship pulled into port in which various and sundry material is loaded. When I mentioned this fact in his article, "Attitudes of the former colonial ruler of the independence of African countries," says one professor was outraged and demanded to know how I knew, to which I replied: "Because I Sekou Toure told me.

By the time I got my Master's in Development Studies (MDS) with an Australian university in 1992, I'd had experience abroad in an amount of more than 24 years (10 years in Africa, and 14 years in Australia, and several years in other countries.) Meanwhile, I've compiled a step-by-step strategy on how Europeans colonized these countries has undermined the economy and social structure of indigenous peoples. It is as follows:

How Found


1 Find an interpreter

2 Negotiate with the head man

3 If this fails, find some enemies of the sect or group

4 Stir up trouble / divide and conquer

5 Ensure the weapon on one or both parties are fighting set certain conditions for the continuation of trade or development assistance in one way or another (usually comes in the form of production of raw materials for the exclusive use of colonizing country) Create a hierarchy puppet officials as leaders of local governments, which answer only to the colonizing power

6 Employ kiss, kiss / bang, bang approach to negotiating with those too powerful to fight (Kiss, Kiss) and threatening to those too weak to resist (bang, bang)

7 Institute for the system of slavery and social stratification assumptions about the superiority / inferiority and dehumanization based on color or tribe

8 Maintain superior weapons, giving the oldest artillery on the colonized and colonizer to maintain cutting-edge, make sure that additional supplies are available only through colonization

9 Limit the number of educated people.

10 Remove the ability of people to become financially independent

11 Restrict the right of the indigenous movement in

12 Population. This includes prison.

13 Decline of the colonized people's voice in court, or the right to gather in public

14 Declare all dissent, anti-government terrorists and punish them with death or imprisonment or long-term isolation under conditions in which they can not survive

15 Remove people from the choice of areas of the country and put them in limited areas, which are infertile, and where there is very little water (American Indians, South Africans, Kenyans, and almost all other colonized people on the continent of Africa)

16 Criminalize all cultural practices, clothing and religion

17 Introduce tax, paid only in the currency of the colonizing, thus forcing the colonized colonizers to work for

18 Restrict independent shops by the colonized people and free enterprise to deny

19 Publish colonizer language and forms of government and religion is the only acceptable models for society.

20 If colonized refuse to agree to the above, suffocating the senses with alcohol or drugs (Opium Wars in China / alcohol)

when you consider that most colonized countries passed most of these processes, and are currently heavily indebted large lending institutions, it was a miracle that I can not get a "leg". It is striking that, in all countries to achieve their independence from colonial powers, inherited the burden of loans from the European powers, while they ruled these countries, with the credits necessary to stabilize their emerging economies. As soon as this process is ongoing, ranging from small local farmers and mining companies have been displaced due to major U.S. agricultural interests. This shift, combined with the fact that for so long as these countries were under colonial rule and to this day, they are bound to a situation in which the product is raw materials and finished products are being prepared abroad. To my amazement, I discovered that Germany, which does not have a coffee bush, is the largest exporter of coffee. This means that the unprocessed coffee beans sent to Germany, which does the final processing and then resell it to Africa for the consumer. It is nonsense like this and those above who have played a major role in destroying the economic development TWCs.

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